Great learning experience that will propel your children into becoming responsible, knowledgeable,
high achievers and future leaders in whatever sphere they choose.
Welcome To Lead British International School
The school for responsible, knowledgeable, high achievers and 21st century leaders.
We take the lead in the provision of online/virtual classes for all our pupils globally.
“I sincerely believe that hard work conjoined with the erudite education offered at LBIS has not only enabled me to achieve my dream of becoming an exceptional
and innovative entrepreneur but has also given me the ample intellect sufficient to contribute to the development of my society”
“LBIS is one of the pillars I stand on that has made me who I am today.
The strong morals and orderliness will surely structure me to go through all of my education smoothly after LBIS”.
“LBIS has taught me not just academics but also numerous moral lessons that will stay with me forever as these have defined and shaped my character.
All of these have helped me mature into the confident individual that I am today, someone who can overcome any obstacle”.
“I came to Lead British International School as a shy and timid girl and now I am leaving as a young confident lady.
I am fortunate because I am going into the world full of opportunities”.
“Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, overcoming discouragements and impossibilities; this among other qualities distinguishes the strong from the weak.
All of these are the values/qualities I have learnt from Lead British International School”.
“My life at Lead British International School has been nothing but a roller coaster.
There were good times and there were bad times but I have come around to love every single moment I spent in this school”.
“Lead British International School was a garden of experience, where we have been inspired to aim high.
I have learnt a lot and I will forever cherish my memories in this beautiful institution”.
“Life is like an elevator that goes up and down.
Our lives have so many moments, sad, happy, crying etc. without those difficult challenges you can’t be successful in life”.